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The Australian government claimed that the solar power FIT plan will be cancelled from January, 2013, 6 months ahead. As the biggest photovoltaic solar power markets, the European countries have been cutting down or quit subsidy policy. For the Chinese company relying on the European market, they will meet another around of ordeal, after the double anti-dumping of the EU and US.

Recent years, the FIT of the Europe and America has directly promoted the boom of the Chinese solar industry. 90% of the Chinese PV products will export mostly in the European countries, including UK, Germany, Italy and some other East European countries. However, the application of solar power inverter in these countries mainly comes from the policy FIT. While from 2010, these main solar countries have been cancelling or cutting down FIT plan, including Germany, Spain, Jerk and Italy, which is undoubtedly worse for the Chinese companies in dilemma.

According to statistics, the rate for sales abroad is huge, mostly over 80% to 90%.

Many PV manufacturers have shown their worries about cutting down the financial subsidy. The demand of the Chinese products mainly comes from the stimulation of FIT policies. If there is not any subsidy policy, to enter in the solar market is unthinkable, as the cost of solar power is higher than water and fire power. The termination of the FIT policies will severely test the companies relying on the European markets.

Many Chinese solar power manufacturers have turned their eyes on the domestic markets. And the series of beneficial policies of the government also bring confidence and hope for the Chinese PV companies. With the decline of the power cost and the fast development of the emerging solar markets, the other spring for the photovoltaic industry is not far away.