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Home / News / Power Supply, Battery and Inverter

According to relative policy, government will promote the distributor PV power towards large-scale development with financial support. They will select the community areas with solar source advantage, good conditions and great demand of the power to set the demonstration area building programs of large-scale applications of distributed photovoltaic power generation. Some industrial people reveal that the demand will possible be over 10GW.

n the other hand, the solar inverter industry in Taiwan also thinks that domestic PV market has suffered a bottleneck in terms of grid. Therefore, to promote distributed power can not only solve the unpleasant between grid operators and system operators, but also can reduce the load and uncertainty of grid. In the future, under the function of the policy, the demand of micro solar inverter appeared obvious increase.

Besides, the industrial thinks that from SPI to EUPVSEC exhibitions, the inquiry of the micro inverter is always higher. Besides the micro inverter architecture do good to improve the system overall output efficiency, the other benefit is that domestic demand is expected to heat for their own use With the growth of the distributed market, while the micro inverter with DC output is more competitive.

Although the cost of micro inverter is still twice higher than the traditional product, as the power fee has kept increasing in European area, the government subsidy has kept decreased. The benefit of the saving power fees in the future will superior to the government subsidy. The personal use market will be expected to be the mainstream solar market development. With expand of the market, micro inverter is expected to equal to the existed products with a quick decline, even a much lower degree.